ARFID Rehab Treatment Programme

ARFID, or Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, is an eating disorder that has only been recently recognised. It affects people of all ages, including adults, adolescents and children. If you have ARFID, it means you have an unsafe aversion to some foods or, in rare cases, all foods.

At our sister centre in Banbury Lodge, we treat ARFID in 16 to 65-year olds, as well other conditions such as anorexia nervosa. It’s not always clear which eating disorder a client has, so we perform a clinical diagnosis at our CQC registered facility to know for certain.

We treat binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa and anorexia in our full-service facility using nutrition and weight gain management, personalised diet plans and talking therapies, and engaging with the client to help them accept their illness. You are guaranteed 24/7 care delivered by experienced professionals.

Symptoms of ARFID

ARFID is unique because it’s not related to a desire to improve one’s body image, nor does it apply to people who temporarily lose their appetite or to those who fast occasionally for health or religious reasons. The condition is significantly different from other more commonly-known eating disorders such as binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa and anorexia. Find the symptoms of the disease below.

Behavioural symptoms:

  • Eating slowly on a regular basis
  • Being unable to finish what has been served
  • Having no appetite without an apparent reason
  • Refusing to eat some foods because you’re afraid you’ll vomit or choke
  • Suddenly refusing to eat foods that you used to eat
  • Having trouble participating in normal social activities like eating with friends and family

Physical symptoms:

  • A child not growing as expected or not developing quickly enough
  • Losing weight, especially in teens
  • A child not getting any bigger or gaining weight


You’ll need an experienced team of health professionals who have training in dealing with eating disorders, including a doctor, nurse, support worker, therapist and dietitian

Our facility is staffed with a brilliant team of professionals who incorporate proven treatment techniques into a holistic approach to ensure the best possible chance of lifelong recovery. Therapy is a crucial part of the recovery process, as it allows the therapist to penetrate and then break down the walls that are keeping you from eating healthy.

Talking Therapies

If you’re diagnosed with ARFID, we’ll offer you talking therapies to help with the unhealthy behaviour and thought patterns, as well as to help you overcome any emotional issues. ‘Talking therapies’ is a term which we use to refer to various therapies, including:

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT)
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
  • Focal psychodynamic therapy (FPT)

CBT focuses on the cognitive processes, values and beliefs that maintain the disorder. The counsellor will help you modify any distorted attitudes which feed the disease.

IPT is an evidence-based treatment which tackles eating disorders as they occur within an interpersonal and social context. The therapist deploys specific strategies and tasks intended to resolve an identified interpersonal problem area.

FPT, on the other hand, focuses on understanding the root cause of the problem.

Cognitive behavioural therapy may be the most widely known, all of these therapies could help with treating ARFID. Each of them has its own unique way of delivering results and where one is ideal for a particular case, another might not work as well. Our team of counsellors have experience working with these therapies and are able to determine which will be the most appropriate for you.

Nutrition and Diet Management

ARFID is a serious disorder that can slow down healthy growth in young people or stop it altogether. In adults, it can cause nutritional and unhealthy weight problems. While the roots are psychological, the effects manifest physically, therefore, the physical wellbeing of the body must be addressed at the same time as the psychological aspects.

During your stay in our facility, your nutrition and diet will be carefully managed by our trained and experienced staff. Because you are utterly unique, you will have a nutrition programme personalised for you.

If you would like to learn more about how our programme works, please call us on 0203 5539263.

Family Support

Friends and family are an integral part of the recovery process because they’re the ones who are most likely to notice that there’s a problem long before you acknowledge it. While our facility provides a highly supportive environment, even that is no match for the kind of support your friends and family can provide throughout recovery.

We have a family support programme for your loved ones to attend, so they are even more involved in your treatment and recovery process. With guidance from a qualified counsellor, you’ll work with them to heal the past and prepare for the future.

16 – 18 Treatment

If your teenager is suffering from ARFID, we can provide the treatment they need as ours is one of the few facilities in the UK to cater specifically to 16 to 18-year-olds. ARFID is different from other kinds of eating disorders and requires extra special attention, which we can offer your loved one.

We recommend coming straight to us when you realise that your loved one may have ARFID. This disorder cannot be left on its own because it can result in serious medical complications. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime for help with ARFID.

Rehab Treatment Benefits

Treatment in a rehab facility is a popular option for people with eating disorders because it works. ARFID goes beyond the physical aspects and includes the psychological aspects, which must be addressed if physical intervention is to work.

Rehab provides a controlled and supportive environment in which to heal and recover. It can ensure sustainable recovery by helping you learn how to live better and has been credited with significantly improved survival rates in ARFID patients. People who have had their eating disorders treated in rehab have gone on to live long-term healthy lives.

ARFID Outpatient Programme

We understand that inpatient treatment is not always the most convenient option even though it’s the most intensive. If you have a full-time job or you have to attend school, you can opt for outpatient programmes instead. It’s flexible enough for you to carry on with your daily life while getting the professional help you need.

You may also start with an inpatient programme and then continue treatment on an outpatient basis. After your inpatient programme, you can enjoy free aftercare for one year or 52 sessions, in addition to regular phone catch-ups and family support.

Whilst we do not provide outpatient treatment, we can recommend additional services to you once you complete treatment at our centre.

Get the help you need today

When you have to deal with a condition as serious as ARFID, we recommend getting help as soon as you possibly can. The disorder can cause severe medical issues if left unattended for too long. You could easily mistake it for another eating disorder, but we can perform a diagnosis to determine what the problem really is. Don’t leave anything to chance.

Call us on 0203 5539263 if you suspect you might have ARFID.

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0203 553 9263