Drug and alcohol rehab in Manchester

Help and guidance is available if you find yourself becoming reliant on drugs or alcohol. You may be feeling overwhelmed at this time, but rest assured there is information at hand to help you understand how to access drug or alcohol rehab.

If you are struggling with addiction, then there are various alcohol rehab or drug rehab options to select from. Manchester rehab centres include a choice of inpatient and outpatient services, so you can find the treatment programme that best accommodates your recovery journey.

This guide provides all the information you need to know about drug and alcohol rehab in Manchester and the wider Merseyside area.

Types of addiction treatment and rehab programmes in Manchester

Understanding available treatment options will help you select the programme and aftercare suitable for your needs. Addiction services in Manchester can be free or privately funded, either inpatient or outpatient. With inpatient treatment, you stay at the treatment centre for the duration, whereas outpatient treatment programmes involve scheduled clinic visits.

Outpatient addiction treatment (day rehab)

With an outpatient treatment programme, whether free or privately funded, you attend planned clinic sessions. Treatment may involve a medical drug or alcohol detox, combined with professional medical services, therapeutic groups and support. You can begin your recovery journey from your home, with flexibility to accommodate any responsibilities, such as childcare. However, there can be long waiting lists for NHS addiction treatment services, and there is a risk that continued access to addictive substances, through a lack of safe accommodation, can impede recovery. For this reason, Primrose Lodge does not offer an outpatient service for drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

Inpatient addiction treatment (residential rehab)

An inpatient treatment programme is often preferred, as it means you are able to remove yourself from triggers and break from bad habits in a comfortable, supportive environment. With residential rehab, you can choose your preferred clinic, telephone the admissions team, agree in advance the programme length appropriate for your circumstances, and be admitted the next day.
Upon arrival, you will be greeted by an experienced doctor and be allocated a private room. In this all-inclusive environment, you will meet others who have had similar experiences, working alongside mentors that have lived experience of addiction problems.
The majority of inpatient addiction treatment centres in Manchester and beyond are privately funded and may be covered by private insurance. There are NHS options for inpatient treatment upon referral from your GP. However, these are unfortunately in short supply and may require stringent assessment, with a long waiting list.

Why inpatient rehab?

A residential rehab programme lets you focus on your recovery journey in a peaceful, comfortable setting, away from the strains and stresses of everyday life. An individually designed schedule will include workshops, activities, personal 12-step study and reflection. Daily activities may include yoga, mindfulness or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), interspersed with relaxing, socialising and meals.
Along with a mixture of therapies, including one-to-one therapy and group counselling, you will meet others who have had similar drug or alcohol addiction experiences, providing a peer network for longer-term mutual support. In addition, you will have access to the centre’s aftercare programme.
Some privately run treatment centres also offer family support programmes, along with professionally facilitated conjoints – meetings between you and close family members or loved ones.
Primrose Lodge offers only inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programmes, as our community is based on teamwork and connection. Quality of service is thoroughly assessed through the external Care Quality Commission, with CQC rating results measuring safety, effectiveness, caring, responsiveness and leadership.

What should I expect from a detox in Manchester?

Drug or alcohol detox means removing the substance from your daily routine so your body can become accustomed to functioning without the addictive aftermath. While detox may cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhoea, shaking, weakness and confusion, this stage is essential for starting on your road to recovery.
Undergoing detox in a private clinic means you will have a comfortable bed and support from those who have been there, to make the experience easier. If you are in urgent need of a drug or alcohol detox, you can call the number at the top of our page, where you can arrange treatment within 24-hours, or ask advice from our knowledgeable staff.

Medical detox

It is important to consult a medical professional before embarking upon any drug detox or alcohol detox, to help manage any risks to your health and wellbeing. When admitted, whether to an inpatient or outpatient programme, you will be offered a full assessment of your current usage and lifestyle factors, to ensure that the right treatment option is made available. Only if you are at risk of severe withdrawal symptoms will you be offered a medical detox, involving prescription detox medication and ongoing monitoring by medical professionals.
Medical detox through outpatient rehab may result in heavily delayed treatment due to a lack of beds. With inpatient treatment, you will receive immediate care in comfortable accommodation, away from distractions which risk leading you astray. Detox can be factored into the length of your programme, as it can be harder to fully engage in therapeutic activities until you have completely withdrawn from a substance.

Drug and alcohol rehab programme

Choosing a rehab programme can be daunting, but it is important to consider what option will work best for you. Each treatment centre has its own recovery approach, usually combining group and one-to-one therapy as part of a 12-step or non-12-step programme, sometimes beside holistic methods such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It is useful to keep an open mind, as a balanced programme usually works best.
Most clinics help you work through the 12-step model with an initial stay, followed by aftercare. The longer you stay in residential rehab, the greater the probability of long-term sobriety. A minimum initial 4-week stay is usually recommended.

Is rehab free?

Unfortunately, not everybody is able to afford private inpatient rehab or have access to private insurance. While free addiction treatment services are available through the NHS, these are typically outpatient services; due to extremely high demand, there is likely to be a long waiting list to be accepted. Most clinics accept self-referral through your GP, although flexibility is not guaranteed. You may be referred for counselling or a detox programme in severe cases. Additionally, if you urgently need treatment which is otherwise unavailable to you, Turning Point is a charity which funds a limited number of beds.

Free addiction services in Manchester

Despite the waiting lists, there are free addiction services available in the Manchester area. Some free services may offer help and support for you and loved ones, and others may provide a full NHS outpatient treatment. An example is listed below.
AA Meeting Greater Manchester
Telephone: 0800 9177 650
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The downside to free services

Unfortunately, many free NHS addiction treatment services have been reduced because of government funding cuts. Frequency or times may be restricted. You may not be able to attend your preferred clinic or have to travel further than you want to.
Free services are usually provided through an outpatient facility, so you will be unable to access one-to-one therapy or remove yourself from unhelpful distractions. You will also be unable to undertake an intensive medical detox, if required, without waiting for an inpatient detox place.

The benefits of residential rehab in Manchester

Residential (inpatient) alcohol or drug addiction treatment programmes provide several benefits which can only be found in such a focused facility. Residential rehab facilities in Manchester enable you to concentrate solely on your recovery journey. The benefits of an inpatient programme include:

  • Fast admission at a clinic of your choosing
  • Qualified staff, both medical and therapeutic
  • Comfortable and welcoming accommodation, meals and an individual daily schedule
  • Combination of one-to-one counselling and group sessions
  • Family support sessions and conjoints with family and loved ones
  • Peer support and aftercare programme
  • Externally accredited quality of care through the Care Quality Commission body

What happens after a rehab programme?

Completing a drug or alcohol rehab programme means time to celebrate, but it won’t be the end of your support from rehab. Primrose Lodge will ensure you have care and support for your ongoing recovery journey as you return to normal life. The connections you have made with professionals and peers will also help cement the reflection and learning achieved in your rehab programme.

Aftercare programmes

Aftercare helps you maintain your newfound sobriety, with continued group therapy, peer support and information to help address any day-to-day problems and overcome obstacles you may face.
If you complete an addiction treatment programme at Primrose Lodge or any other UKAT facility, you will benefit from the UKAT Alumni Programme: a community of peers who have completed their programme and are continuing their sobriety independently. This support network includes event days, online materials and regular communications with others, for connection and encouragement.

Support groups

Your journey of learning and growth is continuous, and accessing a local support group is highly recommended. These groups help you make more connections and mingle with others on their own recovery journey, for mutual advice and support. Community groups include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and SMART Recovery.

Long term recovery from addiction

Alongside the excitement of returning to normal routine, challenges can sometimes be presented by triggers, difficult circumstances, work or relationships. Aftercare, support groups and peer connections will help you manage and implement your learning. Be kind to yourself, accept care and support, and remember that Primrose Lodge is here for you every step of the way.

Frequently asked questions

Are rehabs open in Manchester during Coronavirus lockdown?
All essential healthcare facilities are open for business during the Coronavirus pandemic, and rehab is included under this classification. There may be some private rehab centres in Manchester that have decided to close, but Primrose Lodge remains open in line with government safety regulations.
How much does an alcohol/drug rehab cost in Manchester?
Private rehab centres can cost between £4000 and £12,000 for a standard 28-day treatment programme. The cost varies between different treatment providers and the length of stay required. Some healthcare insurance policies may include rehab treatment as part of their cover.
How do you sign up to a rehab?
You can make a self-referral by contacting your chosen rehab provider for private addiction treatment. They will discuss your options with you and prepare your stay. To sign up for NHS services, you must be referred by your GP.
How can I pay for a rehab?
You can pay for private rehab yourself, or in some cases, have the cost subsidised by your private healthcare insurance provider. NHS rehab services are free of charge.
What rehab programmes are there?
There are a range of rehab programmes available, with the most popular being the 12-step programme. Some providers offer a mixture of holistic therapies within this, to also include CBT, DBT, yoga and mindfulness.
Can you force someone to go to rehab?
Forcing someone to go to rehab does not work. It must be their choice to attend because they need to be open to change for a successful recovery. However, you can encourage someone to go to rehab through open discussions and interventions.
Can I sign up for rehab for someone else?
The person must sign up for rehab themselves, so you cannot sign up on someone else’s behalf. This is because the person must be open to receiving addiction treatment to ensure that they can engage meaningfully in the support provided.
How long does a rehab process take?
The length of the rehab process depends on the duration of the treatment programme. Treatment programmes can range in duration from 14 days to 3 months, but we recommend a minimum stay of 4 weeks.
What is treated in rehabs?
Rehab can treat the following addictions: alcohol, drug, sex, porn, gambling, internet, and food. Primrose Lodge can also offer treatment for people with an eating disorder, and support people with dual diagnosis and codependency.
Which drug addictions can be treated in rehab?
Rehab can treat any form of drug addiction, whether the addiction is to prescription drugs or illegal drugs. This also includes addiction to alcohol, legal highs and stimulants. Alcohol is a common addiction that we often treat alongside addiction to other substances.
Is rehab confidential?
Yes, receiving addiction treatment in a private rehab facility is strictly confidential. NHS addiction treatment will be recorded on your medical record due to the referral route through your GP. However, your medical records are confidential and cannot be accessed for non-medical purposes.
Can I visit a person who is in rehab?
Visiting has been temporarily placed on hold to ensure client safety in line with government guidance for the Coronavirus pandemic. However, at Primrose Lodge we are in the process of resuming our usual visiting times as quickly as possible. Our usual times that loved ones can visit are on a Sunday every week.
Are there free rehabs in Manchester?
There are some free rehab clinics in Manchester that provide outpatient addiction treatment. However, private inpatient rehab may be more suitable if you would prefer to remove yourself from your lifestyle triggers that can contribute to your addiction.
Can I get rehab funding through the NHS?
There are some occasions where the NHS can fund rehab for you. However, it is a lengthy application process via your GP with few applications approved.
Why is going to a rehab important?
Rehab offers people the chance to eliminate their addiction, as well as learn tools to continue with sobriety at home. Private rehab will also provide you with access to long term aftercare support for a greater change of successful recovery.
Private rehab also offers you a medical detox to ensure that you can abstain from substances safely with full support from professionals.
What is the difference between rehab and detox?
A detox is the process of becoming free of addictive substances through abstinence. Rehab on the other hand, will provide a series of therapies and techniques to help people with problem solving, and changing their lifestyle and attitude towards addictive substances. This will help them avoid relapse in the future.
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Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263