Drug and alcohol rehab in South Yorkshire

Alcohol and drug addiction can leave you feeling isolated, and you may not be sure how to confront it alone. But it is important to know that help is always available. While every case of addiction is different, we should all know how to get the help we need when struggling. Whether you require drug rehab or alcohol rehab, there are a number of excellent addiction centres in South Yorkshire.

Here is everything you need to know about drug and alcohol rehab in the South Yorkshire area.

Types of addiction treatment and rehab programmes in South Yorkshire

With so many options at different treatment centres, choosing the best rehab programme can feel daunting. Free clinics offer outpatient treatment in South Yorkshire, which you visit only for treatment. Alternatively, there are private treatment clinics offering inpatient treatment in South Yorkshire, where you stay as a resident during your programme.

Outpatient addiction treatment (day rehab)

With outpatient treatment, you will visit your clinic for your addiction treatment, but you won’t have to stay overnight. Also called ‘day rehab’, outpatient treatment will sometimes include detox to get the drugs or alcohol out of your system safely. Outpatient treatment is often chosen by patients whose responsibilities make inpatient treatment unfeasible. As clients return to their normal environment after each session, however, outpatient treatment tends to be less effective in treating drug and alcohol addiction.

Inpatient addiction treatment (residential rehab)

The majority of patients prefer the chance to distance themselves from their normal environment and addiction triggers, so opt for residential rehab (inpatient treatment). During inpatient treatment, you stay in the clinic while you complete your programme. There are a number of privately funded residential rehab centres in South Yorkshire, with a range of options to help ensure that you have the best possible rehab experience. The quality of accommodation is of a high standard, and you will be able to meet other people at the addiction treatment centre who are going through the same process as yourself.

Why inpatient rehab?

For most people suffering from addiction, inpatient treatment in South Yorkshire is the best option because it allows patients to escape the pressures of life. Breaking old habits can be tough, especially if you remain in your usual environment. While outpatient treatment may seem more convenient on the surface, residential rehab centres provide an all-inclusive experience which enables patients to give all their energy to their treatment and recovery.

CQC ratings

With a variety of treatment options available, it is important to identify the best programme for you. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is an independent organisation which assesses and compares different treatment programmes. Programmes receive a score based on safety, the effectiveness of treatment, the levels of care, and the leadership shown by the administrators. By choosing a private centre for your inpatient treatment, you can find the one with the best CQC rating rather than being assigned a centre randomly, as you would through the NHS.

Mixture of therapies

Every treatment centre offers a unique treatment programme, combining both individual and group therapy. Different types of therapy work best for different people, and you will be able to see what is offered at each centre on their website. It is important to stay open-minded when choosing your programme, as many people who initially only wanted individual therapy end up making the most progress through group treatment.

Family support programmes

Drug and alcohol addictions often have a major effect on our loved ones. So, it is important that your family receive guidance and emotional support too. Private addiction treatment centres support loved ones through group sessions and workshops. They will give your family advice about how they can best support you, as well as what to expect throughout the different stages of your treatment.


Conjoints are group meetings between patients and their loved ones which are overseen by a professional. They are often part of an extended inpatient programme during which everyone can talk about their feelings and discuss how the treatment is going. Many patients and their families have attested to the effectiveness of conjoints as they help to heal and strengthen relationships and support structures.

What should I expect from a detox in South Yorkshire?

Detox means to remove addictive substances from your life, which can be difficult if your body is dependent on them. Detox may cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms like vomiting and mental confusion. It is always advisable to speak to a medical professional before detoxing so they can monitor your safety.

Medical detox

Before undergoing an alcohol detox or a drug detox, it is really important that you speak to a medical professional to mitigate any potential risks which may arise. When you are admitted to an addiction treatment programme, the extent of your addiction will be fully assessed so that you receive the correct treatment options. A medical detox will only be offered to those patients who are at risk of developing severe withdrawal symptoms. A detox requires constant monitoring and assessment by a medical professional, and in many cases will also include detox medication. Because of this, medical detox is usually more practical and effective as inpatient treatment.

The thought of undergoing medical detox can be daunting, and it may potentially extend the length of your treatment. However, you may find it is more difficult to reap the benefits of therapy sessions and addiction counselling until you have first gone through full withdrawal.

Drug and alcohol rehab programme

As every treatment centre in South Yorkshire has its own recovery approach, it is always advisable to look at the different treatments available. These may include either a 12-step programme or a non-12-step programme, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and a mixture of one-to-one therapy and group sessions. While some patients benefit more from individual therapy, others find that group therapy is more beneficial. Most clinics which use the 12-step programme will only be able to go through the initial steps during a four week stay, so this is the minimum length of treatment which is usually recommended.

Is rehab free?

Regrettably, not everyone is able to pay for private inpatient treatment, and so they may need to access free addiction treatment services. The NHS offers free addiction outpatient treatment in South Yorkshire. However, there is often a long wait to get admitted to the programme. While most rehab clinics will accept self-referral, your GP may decide that it is better for you to receive counselling or go through detox, rather than prescribing an addiction treatment programme. If you cannot get the help which you need, the charity Turning Point may be able to help you with private treatment funding.

Free addiction treatment services in South Yorkshire

There are various options for free addiction services in South Yorkshire. Here are some of the treatment and support options in the region:

AA Meetings South Yorkshire

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. You can find upcoming meetings in South Yorkshire, using the following link:


Telephone: 0800 9177 650

The downside to free services

While not everyone is able to pay for private addiction treatment, government cuts, along with the increasing demand for treatment, have put free rehab treatment services under increasing pressure. This has led to both a reduction in places and limited time slots. Free addiction recovery clinics tend to only offer outpatient treatment, which means you won’t be able to cut yourself off from your usual environment.

Furthermore, medical detox is usually not an option as an outpatient, so you may have to wait until a bed at an inpatient detox clinic becomes available before you can really start making progress.

The benefits of residential rehab in South Yorkshire

  • Isolation from potential triggers – allows patients to focus on recovery
  • Continuous support – on-site staff available for questions and guidance
  • Room and board – high standards of accommodation and food
  • Access to medical detox – medication and full monitoring
  • Family support programmes – advice and help for loved ones
  • Group therapy – Inspires patients to help each other
  • One-to-one counselling session – focused individual help
  • Conjoint availability – strengthens family bonds
  • Rapid admission process – start your recovery straight away
  • Choice of different clinics – each awarded a high CQC rating
  • Full aftercare – offers continued support after programme completion

What happens after the rehab programme?

Finishing your addiction treatment programme is a cause for celebration, but it is also vital to ensure that patient care continues into the future. Addiction recovery is more successful with ongoing support. After you finish your programme, it is important to know that there will always be someone to help.

Aftercare programmes

Most inpatient treatment programmes provide aftercare as you continue on your journey of recovery. Aftercare programmes often include regular group sessions and make important resources available to patients. After finishing your Primrose Lodge rehab programme, you will receive access to the online Alumni community, who will offer you continued support.

Support groups

Reaching out to local support groups can help you to connect with people in similar shoes who are on their own roads to recovery.

The right support is pivotal, so you can reach out to groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and SMART Recovery, if you’re keen to socialise with new people and expand your recovery group further.

Long-term recovery from addiction 

Going back to your old life may cause feelings of excitement and trepidation. Whilst recovery will provide new opportunities, the old triggers may still be there waiting for you. The important thing is that you remember there is always support out there to help you stay on the right path.

Frequently asked questions

Are rehabs open in South Yorkshire during Coronavirus lockdown?
All essential healthcare facilities are open for business during the Coronavirus pandemic, and rehab is included under this classification. There may be some private rehab centres in South Yorkshire that have decided to close, but Primrose Lodge remains open in line with government safety regulations.
How much does an alcohol/drug rehab cost in South Yorkshire?
Private rehab centres can cost between £4000 and £12,000 for a standard 28-day treatment programme. The cost varies between different treatment providers and the length of stay required. Some healthcare insurance policies may include rehab treatment as part of their cover.
How do you sign up to a rehab?
You can make a self-referral by contacting your chosen rehab provider for private addiction treatment. They will discuss your options with you and prepare your stay. To sign up for NHS services, you must be referred by your GP.
How can I pay for a rehab?
You can pay for private rehab yourself, or in some cases, have the cost subsidised by your private healthcare insurance provider. NHS rehab services are free of charge.
What rehab programmes are there?
There are a range of rehab programmes available, with the most popular being the 12-step programme. Some providers offer a mixture of holistic therapies within this, to also include CBT, DBT, yoga and mindfulness.
Can you force someone to go to rehab?
Forcing someone to go to rehab does not work. It must be their choice to attend because they need to be open to change for a successful recovery. However, you can encourage someone to go to rehab through open discussions and interventions.
Can I sign up for rehab for someone else?
The person must sign up for rehab themselves, so you cannot sign up on someone else’s behalf. This is because the person must be open to receiving addiction treatment to ensure that they can engage meaningfully in the support provided.
How long does a rehab process take?
The length of the rehab process depends on the duration of the treatment programme. Treatment programmes can range in duration from 14 days to 3 months, but we recommend a minimum stay of 4 weeks.
What is treated in rehabs?
Rehab can treat the following addictions: alcohol, drug, sex, porn, gambling, internet, and food. Primrose Lodge can also offer treatment for people with an eating disorder, and support people with dual diagnosis and codependency.
Which drug addictions can be treated in rehab?
Rehab can treat any form of drug addiction, whether the addiction is to prescription drugs or illegal drugs. This also includes addiction to alcohol, legal highs and stimulants. Alcohol is a common addiction that we often treat alongside addiction to other substances.
Is rehab confidential?
Yes, receiving addiction treatment in a private rehab facility is strictly confidential. NHS addiction treatment will be recorded on your medical record due to the referral route through your GP. However, your medical records are confidential and cannot be accessed for non-medical purposes.
Can I visit a person who is in rehab?
Visiting has been temporarily placed on hold to ensure client safety in line with government guidance for the Coronavirus pandemic. However, at Primrose Lodge we are in the process of resuming our usual visiting times as quickly as possible. Our usual times that loved ones can visit are on a Sunday every week.
Are there free rehabs in South Yorkshire?
There are some free rehab clinics in South Yorkshire that provide outpatient addiction treatment. However, private inpatient rehab may be more suitable if you would prefer to remove yourself from your lifestyle triggers that can contribute to your addiction.
Can I get rehab funding through the NHS?
There are some occasions where the NHS can fund rehab for you. However, it is a lengthy application process via your GP with few applications approved.
Why is going to a rehab important?
Rehab offers people the chance to eliminate their addiction, as well as learn tools to continue with sobriety at home. Private rehab will also provide you with access to long term aftercare support for a greater change of successful recovery.
Private rehab also offers you a medical detox to ensure that you can abstain from substances safely with full support from professionals.
What is the difference between rehab and detox?
A detox is the process of becoming free of addictive substances through abstinence. Rehab on the other hand, will provide a series of therapies and techniques to help people with problem solving, and changing their lifestyle and attitude towards addictive substances. This will help them avoid relapse in the future.
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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263