Drug and alcohol rehab in Tyne and Wear

Are you worried about your reliance on drugs or alcohol? Everybody’s crisis point is different but some things should be the same for all of us, such as knowing how to access drug and alcohol rehab to support recovery. Help is always there when you need it and this guide explains everything you need to know about drug and alcohol rehab in Tyne and Wear.

There are several alcohol rehab or drug rehab treatment options available in Tyne and Wear and local rehab centres include both inpatient and outpatient services; rest assured you can find the right support for your recovery journey by reading this guide.

Types of addiction treatment and rehab programmes in Tyne and Wear

Tyne and Wear addiction services are either inpatient treatment, where you reside at the centre, or outpatient treatment. Privately funded clinics are able to offer accommodation, which free treatment often lacks funding for, making inpatient treatments limited. Private rehabs combine detox with therapy, and many clinics also offer aftercare. Private rehab offers more therapy options; however, Tyne and Wear NHS services are also available.

Outpatient addiction treatment (day rehab)

Outpatient treatment (day rehab) involves planned clinic sessions, without overnight stays, so is often chosen by people with caring responsibilities.

Outpatient treatment is not ideal as it lacks accommodation or continuous support to help avoid addictive substances. However, medical professionals, counsellors and therapeutic groups are available. Primrose Lodge does not offer outpatient services as our drug and alcohol addiction treatment involves building support networks for ongoing post-programme recovery.

Accessing NHS outpatient services usually requires a GP referral and waiting lists can be several months, whereas private funded clients have immediate access, with some offering day rehab options to choose from in Tyne and Wear.

Inpatient addiction treatment (residential rehab)

Most people distance themselves from addiction habits by choosing a residential rehab (inpatient treatment), staying at the addiction treatment centre for the treatment programme duration.

There are numerous rehab centres in Tyne and Wear, mostly privately funded. These offer more choice regarding start date and length of the treatment programme. In fact, you can often ring up and start the next day, thereby avoiding lengthy NHS waiting lists, GP referral and stringent NHS assessments. Comfortable rooms and good food are available, alongside great opportunities to meet others with similar experiences. In fact, many staff members will also have had addiction and be in recovery themselves.

Why inpatient rehab?

Inpatient treatment provides a break from life’s stresses, freeing you up to focus on recovery, reflect on what has happened and begin planning a successful future.

Attending a private centre means you can choose your clinic; therefore, you can select one that demonstrates high-quality treatment through its CQC ratings (CQC is an independent governing body).

UKAT centres offer a different mixture of therapies, such as yoga, mindfulness and CBT, combined with one-to-one and group therapy. Think carefully about what works best for you and check websites and speak to clinic advisors. We would advise you not to focus entirely on individual therapy as groups are highly beneficial for confidence-building and peer support.

Privately run centres may also offer family support programmes which increase their understanding of addiction and recovery, as well as providing families with support for their own healing. Centres also facilitate conjoints: meetings where you and your loved ones can share feelings and discuss progress.

What should I expect from a detox in Tyne and Wear?

Detox is the process of removing addictive substances from your environment, to start the recovery process. Detox can cause uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, which may include vomiting, diarrhoea, shaking, weakness and confusion. A medical detox is available for those who need it, to ease discomfort.

Prior to alcohol detox or drug detox, it is important to consult a medical professional to help manage risks to health and wellbeing.

Medical detox

On admission to a programme, you will undertake a full assessment of your current usage and lifestyle factors, to ensure you access the right treatment. A medical detox involves the prescription of medication to wean you off harmful substances safely, as there is a risk of the body going into shock if the chemical levels in your system drop too quickly. Medical detox is appropriate for individuals at risk of severe withdrawal symptoms and involves continual monitoring by medical professionals. Although you will be welcome to join rehab activities as soon as you feel able, it can be difficult to get the most from therapeutic activities until you have fully withdrawn from a substance. For this reason, we suggest a treatment length of four weeks.

Medical detox can be via inpatient or outpatient treatment, with inpatient treatment offering more regular monitoring, as well as continuous care and, of course, less distraction to go astray in the early stages. In fact, medical detox through day rehab may not be a safe option if your home environment encourages substance abuse.

Drug and alcohol rehab programme

Whether a 12-step programme, a non-12-step programme or a mixture of both is offered, most recovery approaches combine group and one-to-one therapy. You may lean towards individual therapy or prefer group support. Some people find one-to-one therapy too intense; others dislike speaking in front of others. You can contact the clinic for information about their approach before admission. The most successful plans offer holistic treatments, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy DBT, yoga and mindfulness, alongside the main programme, to expose you to as many recovery techniques as possible.

The longer the residential rehab, the greater the chances of long-term sobriety. If you are working through the 12 steps, a standard 28-day stay will help you complete the first few with the guidance of the group. On completion of rehab, aftercare options are beneficial for extra support as you work through the remaining steps.

Is rehab free?

Not everyone can afford private residential rehab or has private insurance, and some people may need free addiction treatment services to start their recovery. The NHS provides free treatment services – although these are mainly outpatient and have long waiting lists.
NHS self-referral is possible; however, you will still need to go through your GP and flexibility is not guaranteed. In severe cases, the NHS may refer you for counselling or a detox programme.

For urgent treatment services which are otherwise unavailable to you, Turning Point is a charity which funds a limited number of beds if you meet their criteria.

Free addiction treatment services in Tyne and Wear

There are various options for free addiction services in South Yorkshire. Here are some of the treatment and support options in the region:

AA meetings Tyne and Wear

There are various options when it comes to free addiction services in Tyne and Wear. You can find AA meetings held in different locations each week, in the link below:

Telephone: 0800 9177 650

The downside to free services

Of course, not everyone has the necessary finance or insurance for private rehab. However, free services are under immense strain due to government funding cuts so services may have reduced frequency and your choices may be restricted.
Most free services are outpatient and may have a limited offering. They will not offer holistic treatments, do not offer one-to-one therapy or the residential settings to help you avoid temptation or distractions and intensive medical detox may be unavailable. It is therefore essential to think carefully about your options and be realistic about the severity of your addiction when choosing your rehab treatment.

If you need any help evaluating how severe your addiction is, you can contact our caring team with any questions you have. We understand every perspective of addiction and are happy to answer any questions to help you select appropriate treatment.

The benefits of residential rehab in Tyne and Wear

  • You have access to support from addiction specialists, seven days a week
  • Accommodation and meals are provided, leaving you free to concentrate on recovery
  • Family support programmes enable loved ones to support your recovery and to be supported themselves
  • Conjoints are available
  • You can access peer support
  • There is fast admission for private clients, avoiding waiting lists
  • One-to-one therapy is offered
  • Therapeutic groups are available
  • You can choose the right clinic and treatment programme to meet your needs

What happens after the rehab programme?

Rehab enables you to learn and grow. However, your recovery is ongoing, and you should plan for life after rehab. You are not expected to make your journey alone, so you should connect with professionals and peers who will help you make the necessary changes to support your long-term sobriety.

Aftercare programmes

Residential treatment programmes usually offer aftercare, which provides ongoing support to maintain sobriety and often involves group therapy or peer-support, together with useful information to help overcome difficulties.

On completing a treatment with Primrose Lodge, or any other UKAT facility, you will have immediate access to our Alumni community of peers who have completed the programme. This network consists of event days, online materials and regular communication to provide connection with others in recovery and to support you with any difficulties.

Support groups

Local support groups are invaluable after you have completed an addiction treatment programme as they enable you to meet, and maintain regular contact with, peers who can offer advice and support long-term abstinence. Examples of community groups include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and SMART Recovery.

Long-term recovery from addiction 

Leaving treatment will mean facing a mixture of exciting opportunities and difficult circumstances, so be kind to yourself and accept all the support available, from aftercare to local support groups. The journey may be unknown, but you will get through, and Primrose Lodge will be there every step of the way.

Frequently asked questions

Are rehabs open in Tyne and Wear during Coronavirus lockdown?
All essential healthcare facilities are open for business during the Coronavirus pandemic, and rehab is included under this classification. There may be some private rehab centres in Tyne and Wear that have decided to close, but Primrose Lodge remains open in line with government safety regulations.
How much does alcohol/drug rehab cost in Tyne and Wear?
Private rehab centres can cost between £4000 and £12,000 for a standard 28-day treatment programme. The cost varies between different treatment providers and the length of stay required. Some healthcare insurance policies may include rehab treatment as part of their cover.
How do you sign up to a rehab?
To sign up for private rehab, you need to contact your chosen centre, who will discuss your needs and organise the details for you. For NHS rehab, you must contact your GP, who will make a referral if you meet the requirements.
How can I pay for a rehab?
You can pay for private rehab yourself, or in some cases, have the cost subsidised by your private healthcare insurance provider. NHS rehab services are free of charge.
What rehab programmes are there?
There are a range of rehab programmes available, with the most popular being the 12-step programme. Some providers offer a mixture of holistic therapies within this, to also include CBT, DBT, yoga and mindfulness.
Can you force someone to go to rehab?
Forcing someone to go to rehab does not work. It must be their choice to attend because they need to be open to change for a successful recovery. However, you can encourage someone to go to rehab through open discussions and interventions.
Can I sign up for rehab for someone else?
The person must sign up for rehab themselves, so you cannot sign up on someone else’s behalf. This is because the person must be open to receiving addiction treatment to ensure that they can engage meaningfully in the support provided.
How long does a rehab process take?
The length of the rehab process depends on the duration of the treatment programme. Treatment programmes can range in duration from 14 days to 3 months, but we recommend a minimum stay of 4 weeks.
What is treated in rehabs?
Rehab can treat the following addictions: alcohol, drug, sex, porn, gambling, internet, and food. Primrose Lodge can also offer treatment for people with an eating disorder, and support people with dual diagnosis and codependency.
Which drug addictions can be treated in rehab?
Rehab can treat any form of drug addiction, whether the addiction is to prescription drugs or illegal drugs. This also includes addiction to alcohol, legal highs and stimulants. Alcohol is a common addiction that we often treat alongside addiction to other substances.
Are there free rehabs in Tyne and Wear?
There are some free rehab clinics in Tyne and Wear that provide outpatient addiction treatment. However, private inpatient rehab may be more suitable if you would prefer to remove yourself from your lifestyle triggers that can contribute to your addiction.
Why is going to a rehab important?
Rehab offers people the chance to eliminate their addiction, as well as learn tools to continue with sobriety at home. Private rehab will also provide you with access to long term aftercare support for a greater change of successful recovery.
Private rehab also offers you a medical detox to ensure that you can abstain from substances safely with full support from professionals.
What is the difference between rehab and detox?
A detox is the process of becoming free of addictive substances through abstinence. Rehab on the other hand, will provide a series of therapies and techniques to help people with problem solving, and changing their lifestyle and attitude towards addictive substances. This will help them avoid relapse in the future.
Is rehab confidential?
Yes, receiving addiction treatment in a private rehab facility is strictly confidential. NHS addiction treatment will be recorded on your medical record due to the referral route through your GP. However, your medical records are confidential and cannot be accessed for non-medical purposes.
Can I visit a person who is in rehab?
Visiting has been temporarily placed on hold to ensure client safety in line with government guidance for the Coronavirus pandemic. However, at Primrose Lodge we are in the process of resuming our usual visiting times as quickly as possible. Our usual times that loved ones can visit are on a Sunday every week.
Can I get rehab funding through the NHS?
There are some occasions where the NHS can fund rehab for you. However, it is a lengthy application process via your GP with few applications approved.
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Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263