Our Co-occurring Disorder Rehab Clinic

A co-occurring disorder (also known as Dual Diagnosis) can be described as an illness that exists alongside a drug abuse problem. For example, this could include suffering from depression, anxiety or ADHD, whilst simultaneously abusing drugs. In many instances, people with co-occurring disorders typically abuse drugs in a misguided attempt to treat their co-occurring disorder.

When a person has a co-occurring disorder alongside an addiction, such a scenario makes treating the addiction more complicated. This is because the co-occurring disorder has to be managed alongside the drug abuse issue. Fortunately, caring for your co-occurring disorder alongside your addiction isn’t a problem when you visit a reputable addiction clinic such as ours.

At Primrose Lodge, we staff specialists with years of experience providing co-occurring disorder rehab treatment. Regardless of the nature of your co-occurring disorder, you can rest assured it will be comprehensively taken care of in our rehab clinic.

To ensure you’re provided with the appropriate treatment, you will take part in a doctor led, evaluation process to determine which co-occurring disorder(s) you have. A co-occurring disorder can be related to mood, eating, psychotic, personality, or even behaviour. Whatever the case may be, once identified we will personalise a treatment plan incorporating holistic therapy to meet your needs.

Our full service, CQC registered addiction clinic offers round-the-clock care to all patients to ensure their wellbeing and comfort is always prioritised. To find out more about our treatment services in our Co-occurring Disorder Rehab Clinic, call us now on 0203 5539263.

Co-Occurring Disorders We Treat

Our professional team at Primrose Lodge have the expertise to treat a number of dual illnesses, these include:

  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Bipolar
  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Personality Disorders


As part of co-occurring disorder treatment, we offer counselling therapy. Depending on your unique needs, we can provide one-to-one counselling therapy or group counselling therapy (or a combination of both).

During one-to-one counselling, you will be able to privately and confidentially speak to an addiction counsellor, who can help unlock the truths of your substance abuse disorder and guide you with regards the best way to recover. Group counselling, on the other hand, will provide an avenue for peer to peer support, whereby you can share your experiences with people who’ve gone through what you have. You can also learn from the experiences of others in your group.

Medical Detoxification

Detoxification can be an uncomfortable and even painful process, because of the withdrawal symptoms that will manifest as your body rids itself of all drug toxins. Instead of enduring an arduous detoxification process, we can provide medically assisted detoxification that minimises your withdrawal symptoms through the prescription of approved medical substitutes.

Our medical detoxification involves using a combination of medication and therapies to significantly minimise your withdrawal symptoms and make the detoxification process as quick and painless as possible. Our clinical medical team has years of experience providing medically assisted detox for a variety of substance addictions. So, rest assured that no matter your substance of abuse or the severity of your addiction, we can make your detoxification process a lot less difficult.

You’ll be provided 24/7 care to monitor and manage your withdrawal symptoms and co-occurring disorder for the entire duration of the detox process. Therapeutic support will also be made available whenever you need it.

Detox Timeline

If you have a co-occurring disorder, your detox timeline will likely not be so typical. For instance, withdrawal symptoms such as depression or anxiety – which should last for days – could linger for weeks or even months. This is more likely if you were self-medicating and abusing drugs to originally treat these symptoms. This is why it’s important you don’t try to detox on your own.

In order to detox safely – especially if you have a co-occurring disorder – talk to one of our specialists today by calling 0203 5539263.


Once you’ve completed detoxification, it’s important to immediately follow up with rehabilitation. This is because detoxification on its own cannot constitute comprehensive addiction treatment. Detoxification only treats the physical aspects of addiction, whereas rehabilitation is necessary to treat the psychological aspects of addiction.

Rehabilitation involves using a combination of therapies, such as behavioural therapy and counselling to identify the factors behind your addiction and caring for them accordingly. Such an approach to treating addiction will help you recover not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually as well. This is especially important if you have a co-occurring disorder, which could hinder your addiction recovery.

Depending on your unique needs, we can provide a 28-day rehabilitation programme or something more extensive to comprehensively care for your addiction alongside any co-occurring disorders. Give us a call today on 0203 5539263 for more information.

Rehab Programme

We strongly recommend a minimum of 28 days of rehabilitation. In this time, you will be treated psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Our specialist programmes include:

  • One-to-one Counselling
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Fitness and Massage
  • Yoga & Meditation
  • Music & Art therapy
  • Process Addiction
  • Holistic Programme
  • Mindfulness and Acupuncture
  • Relapse Prevention Techniques

Detox and Rehab Benefits

Some of the benefits of our detox and rehab treatment includes:

  • Be in a safe and nurturing environment
  • Medical detox with 24/7 care & support
  • Overcome the root causes of addiction
  • Experienced team of doctors & therapists
  • Personalised rehabilitation programme
  • Look, feel, sleep better & regain confidence
  • Learn techniques for relapse prevention
  • 1 year complimentary aftercare support

Treatment for Teenagers (16 to 18-Year-Olds)

Our sister centre in Banbury, Oxfordshire can be of assistance if you have a loved one between the ages of 16 and 18 with a co-dependency issue. Treating addiction and addiction-related issues isn’t the same for adults and teenagers – especially because of the developmental problems that can occur in younger people abusing drugs. Our sister centre in Banbury has the necessary resources and years of experience helping teenagers retake control of their lives, recover from drug abuse, and stay clean long-term.

Contact us today so we can help arrange the admission of your loved one.

One Year’s Free Aftercare

Research shows that recovering addicts who engage in aftercare are less likely to relapse. In light of this, we provide one year’s aftercare completely free of charge.

To undertake our free aftercare is completely optional, but we strongly recommend it to all our patients. By attending, you will have access to outpatient support as you try to reintegrate into normal everyday life. We provide weekly sessions, one to one therapy, and also offer phone support so you can have someone to talk to whenever you need to.

Call our confidential helpline today on 0203 553 9263 to get started on the safe and effective path to recovery.

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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263