Depression and Addiction: Signs, Symptoms and Rehab Treatment

What are Depression and Addiction?

Depression can be a common co-occurring condition for those suffering from addiction. Much like any other illness, it requires the correct treatment to overcome. It is much more than just a feeling of sadness. To the sufferer, it can be debilitating, as it negatively impacts on all areas of their life. Overcoming Depression can take a combination of medical and therapeutic treatment. At Primrose Lodge we are able to successfully treat Depression, providing a long-term solution in order to prevent its recurrence.

If you suffer from Depression, you may have been told to “Just pull yourself together”, or to ” Just get on with it and stop feeling sorry for yourself”. Hearing this is hurtful to someone who is suffering from a condition that is beyond his or her own control. Depression is not a choice; it can carry severe consequences to the sufferer and to their loved ones. It is not a condition that is likely to get better without treatment and is a common dual diagnosis illness that can result in addiction and remain once the addiction has been successfully treated.

Types of Depression

There are various types of recognised medical Depression. Here are some of the common forms that require professional medical treatment

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is linked to the fewer daylight hours of late autumn and winter. The shorter days and longer colder nights can trigger depression in those predisposed to it. Those affected will struggle during the winter months but come spring, when the day lengthens and the temperature rises, their mood will lift naturally. SAD can be mild or severe; those affected can suffer from an inability to sleep and experience issues with food and self-care during depressive periods. This can lead to an increase in addictive behaviours as the individual tries to fix themselves through external means. The comprehensive therapeutic programme at Primrose Lodge can be very successful in improving an individual’s outlook, perceptions and ability to overcome this sometimes debilitating condition.

Reactive Depression

As the name suggests this is where an individual develops Depression in response to an event. Common triggers are bereavement, redundancy and relationship break-ups. In order to recover, the individual will need therapy to help them process and deal with the triggering event. If not addressed, these common triggers can lead to relapse for those focusing on treating their addiction problem. The therapeutic programme provided at Primrose Lodge enables individuals to address the issues and develop strategies to deal with them in a positive and proactive way.

Characteristics of Depression

If you are suffering from Depression, it can be helpful to spot the signs. If you or a loved one exhibits the following symptoms, please seek professional help. Delaying treatment can result in a downward spiral of suicidal ideation, addiction and self-harm tendencies.

Those with Depression may suffer from the following physical, social or psychological symptoms:

  • Constant feeling of sadness or hopelessness that last more than a few weeks
  • Feeling weepy or tearful but not knowing why
  • Suffering from low self-esteem and self-worth
  • Feeling guilty or ashamed
  • Having no motivation to do anything
  • Struggling to complete the simplest of tasks
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Being intolerant of others and isolating
  • Finding empty inside with no purpose
  • Feeling worried or anxious
  • Being unable to make decisions
  • Suffering suicidal thoughts or self-harming
  • Slurred or monotone speech
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Aches and pains
  • Constipation or diarrhoea
  • Underperformance at school or work
  • Avoiding contact with friends or family
  • Neglecting activities that were previously enjoyed.
  • Neglecting finances, relationships and self-care
  • Feeling alone and unable to break free from the overwhelming feelings
  • Being hard on oneself and over critical of self and others

What Causes Depression?

There is no one singular event or trigger for an individual developing Depression. What is known is that the brain chemistry alters, as there is a lack of Serotonin produced. Serotonin is the body’s naturally occurring happy chemical. Adequate levels of Serotonin are required in order for an individual to feel content, able to sleep and feel motivated. A change in hormone levels and stress can trigger a decrease in Serotonin; others are predisposed to developing Depression.

Not everyone develops Depression as a result of a stressful or upsetting situation such as a relationship break down, those that do, often will have a family history of Depression and are predisposed genetically to be at higher risk of developing the condition.

Regardless of the cause, it is imperative that the individual seek help promptly.

Our Depression Programme

Primrose Lodge has the means and expertise to correctly treat a number of depressive conditions which co-occur with addiction. As a clinic specialising in the treatment of dual diagnosis patients, we have on board a qualified doctor experienced in treating addiction and co-occurring mental health illnesses. All of our staff are fully trained and qualified in delivering approved and effective treatment techniques. We treat Depression as a co-occurring condition using a number of proven therapeutic talking methodologies, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, One to One Counselling, Group Therapy and a combination of mood enhancing and emotionally balancing holistic therapies such as Meditation, Mindfulness, Art, Music and Fitness.

The environment we have created is one that is extremely supportive and healing; we focus on treating each individual as a whole. This means our personalised treatment programmes are designed to treat the root causes of the illness and restore each individual to optimum health in mind, body and spirit. We equip our patients with the tools they need for a full and permanent recovery and will do all we can to meet each person’s medical, clinical and therapeutic needs.

For more information on our treatment programme and how we help those suffering with co-occurring conditions such as depression, please call and speak to a member of our team who will be happy to assist you in any way that they can.

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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

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0203 553 9263