Bulimia Nervosa Rehab Programme

Our sister centre in Banbury Lodge is where we handle all bulimia and anorexia nervosa cases. Banbury Lodge is easily accessible from all parts of the UK and is CQC registered. The centre is staffed by professionals with years of experience helping people of all ages combat a variety of eating disorders. Our medical personnel are compassionate, dedicated and focussed on your recovery

Banbury Lodge clinically diagnoses eating disorders through a comprehensive evaluation process. By properly identifying the exact nature of your bulimia or other eating disorder, the most appropriate course of treatment for your needs can be personalised.

Our treatment generally consists of talking therapies, personalised diet plans, nutrition and weight gain management, around-the-clock care. Our clinic also treats teenagers from 16yrs up to 65yrs

Call us today and speak to our bulimia counsellors about NHS options and our eating disorder rehab clinic!

Symptoms of Bulimia

It is important that you can identify the symptoms of bulimia as soon as possible so that you can get treatment before irreparable damage is done. Among men and women, signs of bulimia and its physical damage can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dry skin
  • Bloating
  • Menstrual irregularities in women
  • Dehydration
  • Abnormal bowel function
  • Fainting
  • Seizures
  • Irregular heartbeat

There can also be behavioural symptoms such as:

  • Purging behaviours after bingeing
  • Loss of control during episodes of bingeing
  • Obsession with body weight, image, and/or dieting
  • Repeated binge eating episodes

If you have noticed two or more of the above symptoms, it is best to visit a psychiatrist or another type of eating disorder specialist for a thorough diagnosis


There is no one-size-fits-all cure for bulimia nervosa. It takes work and commitment from both the patient and the treatment provider. The best course of treatment for caring for bulimia will depend on the individual and a variety of other factors. To ensure each patient gets the best possible treatment, we first put them through an evaluation process and use the results of the evaluation to personalise treatment to best suit their needs.

Generally, our bulimia treatment consists of:

  • one-on-one therapy sessions
  • medication
  • expressive and experiential therapy
  • group sessions that aid behaviour modification and emotion management
  • family therapy
  • twelve-step facilitation and meetings
  • nutrition counselling
  • weekly psychiatric consultation
  • trauma awareness and recovery groups
  • psychotherapy

By following a holistic approach that incorporates proven bulimic treatment methodology, we can achieve the following:

  • Restore you to a healthy body weight
  • Address distorted thinking
  • Treat emotional problems such as low self-esteem
  • Help you make behavioural changes that will help you achieve lasting recovery

Talking Therapies

Talking therapies are particularly effective in treating bulimia. Therapies in this category are referred to as talking therapies because of the key role communication plays in their efficiency. Some of the talking therapies we use to help our patients include:

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

CBT involves communicating with a therapist whose aim is to understand the root cause of your disorder and develop a personalised treatment plan to care for it. If you are provided CBT, it can go on in the form of weekly sessions that last for 40 weeks or less. It typically starts as 2 sessions a week during the initial 2-3 weeks. By going through CBT, you will learn to make healthy food choices, cope with your feelings, and understand nutrition and the effects of starvation.

  • Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT)

CAT is a type of psychological therapy in the form of a collaborative programme. It operates by seeking to understand how you think about food and how your thoughts influence your feelings and actions. It will also look into past experiences which may have contributed to your bulimia.

  • Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)

IPT is an attachment-focused psychotherapy that focuses on symptomatic recovery and resolving interpersonal problems. It is highly structured and works within a time limit (usually 12–16 weeks) to aid recovery. It helps by looking into relationships and past life events that may impact your perception of food, body image, and mood. This form of therapy works best when combined with medications and cognitive behavioural therapy.

  • Focal psychodynamic therapy (FPT)

FPT is provided to patients who are not showing significant progress while receiving the previously mentioned talking therapies. FPT will assess your eating habits and how they are related to your thought process and how you feel about others in your life as well as yourself. The therapy can come in the form of weekly sessions that go on for up to 40 weeks.

Nutrition and Diet Management

Your nutrition and diet is also key to making a full recovery from bulimia. By carefully managing your nutrition and diet, our clinical team will put you through a personalised programme that stabilises your weight and provides you optimal nutrition. The nutrition programme will be amended as necessary as your condition improves.

Family Support

Family support will require you and your family speaking with a therapist to explore how your eating disorder has affected not just you, but also your family. It will also teach your family how to support you through the trying period of recovery all the way to good health.

Therapists, during family support, will also educate you on how to manage feelings or circumstances that may cause you to relapse into unhealthy eating habits. Sessions can be held with your family and you present, or as a group with other families.

16 – 18 Treatment

Our sister centre in Banbury, Oxfordshire, can be of assistance if you have a loved one between the ages of 16 and 18 suffering from bulimia nervosa. Treating bulimia isn’t the same for adults and teenagers, especially because of the developmental problems that may occur in younger individuals. Our sister centre in Banbury has the necessary resources and expertise to help your teenager retake control of his/her life, recover from an eating disorder, and stay healthy long term.

Contact us today so we can help arrange the admission of your loved one.

Rehab Treatment Benefits

Staying in our private rehab for bulimia treatment comes with a variety of benefits. Some of which include:

  • Helping you overcome the root causes of your eating disorder
  • Significantly improving your survival rate
  • Treatment in a safe and nurturing environment
  • Helping you achieve long term healthy living
  • Learning proven relapse prevention techniques
  • 24/7 care and support
  • Personalised rehabilitation treatment programme

Bulimia Outpatient Programme

Aside from our inpatient treatment programme, we also offer outpatient programmes to bulimia patients. You can start with the outpatient programme if your eating disorder isn’t severe or start after an initial period of inpatient treatment if your disorder is severe.

Our outpatient programme offers a convenient yet effective treatment plan which consists of 1-year free aftercare, 52 sessions, family support, and regular phone check-ups.

In Summary

If you or a loved one suffer from bulimia nervosa or any other eating disorder, we can help. Call our confidential helpline today by dialling 0203 553 9263 to get started on the safe and effective path to recovery.

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0203 553 9263