Prescription Drug Detox

Prescription drugs are one of the most commonly abused drugs in the UK, especially painkillers and benzodiazepines. These drugs are typically abused for the pleasurable high that they can induce. Also, many people are under the wrong impression that prescription drugs are safer than illegal drugs for recreational use. In actuality, prescription drugs are just as dangerous as illegal drugs when used incorrectly and can lead to addiction as well as fatal consequences.

Prescription drugs such as sedatives and painkillers can be highly addictive if abused recreationally or are used against your doctor’s directions. In fact, opiate painkillers and benzodiazepines are so addictive that they can lead to addiction even if used according to prescription.

Commonly-abused prescription medication in the UK includes Gabapentin, Diazepam, Fentanyl, Vicodin, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Hydromorphone, Demerol, Morphine, Nembutal, Alprazolam, Ambien, Dexedrine, Ritalin, and Amphetamines. If you are addicted to any of these drugs or other prescription medication, we can help you make a full recovery.

We can offer you a medically-assisted detox that will minimise your withdrawal symptoms and aid your body in ridding itself of all drug-related toxins. Rest assured, your detoxification will be safely handled by our specialists and your comfort and safety will be our priority for the duration of your treatment.

If you or a loved one are abusing prescription drugs, it’s important that you get professional help with quitting fast. Call us today on 0203 553 9263 for help with prescription medication addiction treatment.

Home Detox

We advise that your detoxification is always handled in a professional addiction clinic. In our detox clinic, you will be monitored around the clock by specialists and be provided with medical and therapeutic care to keep you safe and healthy.

Trying to detox by yourself at home is very unsafe because during the detoxification process, you will go through a variety of withdrawal symptoms which may be dangerous and even fatal if not properly managed. For the sake of your safety, ensure you or your loved one’s detox from prescription medication abuse is in a registered and qualified addiction treatment facility.

Medical Drug Detox

Detoxification is an important first step towards achieving a full recovery from prescription medication addiction. A medically-assisted detox is the best way to get through the detoxification process. Our medically-assisted detoxification treatment will make use of a variety of medications to ease your withdrawal symptoms and keep you as comfortable as possible for the duration of your treatment.

You will also be supervised and provided 24/7 care by our clinical medical team. It’s a comfortable process that keeps you safe while at the same time bringing you closer to beating your addiction and making a complete recovery without any health complications.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms will manifest if you are addicted to prescription medication and are trying to quit. The withdrawal symptoms you will experience when trying to quit will vary based on a number of factors. These factors include the type of prescription medication and severity of addiction.

While prescription medication withdrawal symptoms may differ in type and severity, commonly seen physical symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Seizures
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Shaking


There may also be psychological symptoms such as:

  • Memory loss
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Irritability
  • Hallucinations
  • Psychosis
  • Agitation
  • Delirium
  • Depression
  • Drug cravings
  • Anxiety

Post Detox Treatment

Detox should not be considered as complete addiction treatment. This is because detox is simply a means to an end, and the first step to becoming addiction free. Once your detox is complete in our facility, it will be immediately followed by a post-detox treatment. Post-detox treatment is needed and can increase your likelihood of staying clean by up to ten times.

Our post-detox treatment consists of a rehabilitation programme that will treat the psychological aspects of your addiction and provide you with the tools to achieve lasting recovery and prevent a relapse.

Rehab Treatment Programme

Our rehab treatment programme will provide you with:

Undergoing a 12 Step rehab programme after a medical detox will significantly improve your chances of permanent recovery. Our specialist recovery programme offers:

  • Group therapy
  • One-to-One counselling
  • Yoga & meditation
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Abstinence-based recovery
  • Compatibility with all religious beliefs
  • Complements other addiction therapies
  • Acceptance and internal peace
  • Relapse prevention techniques
  • Aftercare support and mentoring

For more on our rehab programme and how it can guide you towards the recovery you seek, talk to us on 0203 553 9263

Detox & Rehab Benefits

Some of the benefits of our detox and rehab treatment include:

  • Be in a safe and nurturing environment
  • Medical detox with 24/7 care & support
  • Overcome the root causes of addiction
  • Experienced team of doctors & therapists
  • Personalised rehabilitation programme
  • Look, feel, sleep better & regain confidence
  • Learn techniques for relapse prevention
  • 1 year complimentary aftercare support

16 – 18 Treatment

If you have a loved one between the ages of 16 to 18 struggling with prescription drug addiction, our sister centre in Banbury, Oxfordshire, can provide specialist help through our safe and comprehensive recovery programme. Our sister drug addiction facility in Banbury specialises in the treatment of young people struggling with substance abuse and addiction. Treatment in this type of facility is recommended for young ones because what works best for adults will not necessarily be ideal for an adolescent.

For more on our sister facility in Banbury, give us a call on 0203 553 9263.

Get Help Today!

Our rehab is CQC regulated and we have helped hundreds of individuals retake control of their lives. Call our confidential helpline today by dialling 0203 553 9263 to get started on the safe and effective path to recovery.

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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263