Drug and alcohol rehab in Leeds

Dependence on drugs or alcohol can take control over your life, as well as the life of those around you. That is why seeking support is the best action you can take. There are many rehab centres in Leeds that specialise in addiction treatment: specifically, drug rehab and alcohol rehab. During treatment, you receive professional support to help you stop taking addictive substances and regain control of your life. We understand how challenging addiction can be, but learning about the support available can help you take the first step to transforming your life. Continue reading this guide to find out key information about drug and alcohol rehab in Leeds.

Types of addiction treatment and rehab programme in Leeds

There are two main types of addiction treatment that we will explain in this guide. These are outpatient treatment in Leeds and inpatient treatment in Leeds, which are both offered at treatment centres. Identifying the right treatment for your needs will depend on your own personal circumstances and required support.

Outpatient addiction treatment (day rehab)

Outpatient treatment is best suited to people in the early stages of drug and alcohol addiction. This is because outpatient treatment is provided whilst you continue to stay at your own home. You receive your addiction treatment by visiting your treatment centre for scheduled sessions during work hours, which is why it is also called day rehab. Although you will receive a lower level of support, this can work well for people with responsibilities that they cannot leave. Conversely, it can be challenging if you have been addicted to substances for a longer period of time because it’s difficult to incorporate treatment into a lifestyle in which drugs and alcohol are readily accessible.

Inpatient addiction treatment (residential rehab)

Inpatient treatment provides intensive support because you stay within the treatment centre premises for your treatment. We offer inpatient treatment at Primrose Lodge, which is a UKAT rehab centre. Our addiction treatment centre allows you to leave your triggers behind and embark on a holistic treatment programme, giving you the chance to sample different approaches and decide which you’d like to continue at home.
Also known as residential rehab, inpatient treatment, such as that at Primrose Lodge, will provide you with round-the-clock medical support. Counsellors and peers are also available to open up to when you need guidance or a listening ear. That is why we can help no matter how severe your addiction. Knowing that support is available to guide you through treatment is a crucial factor in successful recovery.

Why inpatient rehab?

At Primrose Lodge inpatient rehab, we provide a mixture of therapies and activities that promote holistic recovery alongside the 12-step programme. This means that you have the chance to repair all areas of your life that have been affected by addiction. These therapies include both one-to-one therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and family support programmes, including conjoints. Conjoints are meetings held between yourself and your loved ones to break down any negative thoughts and re-build relationships. All UKAT clinics have a professional who will facilitate these meetings to support the process and encourage healthy resolutions for your return home.
CBT, mindfulness and other activities such as yoga are offered at some inpatient facilities – including UKAT clinics – and can help you to change your negative thinking, which often contributes to substance misuse.
Inpatient clinics are regulated and rated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), giving you the freedom to select a centre with that provides high-quality care. Unfortunately, free treatment through the NHS is limited to whichever centre has space available at your time of need. It is not guaranteed that this will be near your home. If you would like to find out more about the CQC ratings for Primrose Lodge, you can find these on the CQC website and our CQC ratings page.

What should I expect from a detox in Leeds?

A rehab centre in Leeds will guide you through a detox for the first part of your treatment programme. This will provide time for the drugs or alcohol that you have been taking to completely leave your body.

Medical detox

A medical detox is a drug detox or an alcohol detox supported with the help of medication prescribed by medical professionals. You take the medication at decreasing levels during your abstinence, which can act as a substitute for the addictive substance. This is offered at residential rehab settings because during your abstinence, it is common for your body to react with withdrawal symptoms. The medication helps you to detox safely.
Withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the type of substance you are addicted to and the intensity of your addiction. Although this can be a challenging part of treatment, at Primrose Lodge you can be reassured that our staff – many of whom have been through detox themselves – are there to support you, and medical assistance can be reached at any time. As well as this, you can seek comfort from others who are embarking on their own detox at the treatment centre. Peer support can be extremely reassuring, as you can talk about your experiences and challenges with each other.

Drug and alcohol rehab programme

The drug and alcohol rehab programmes offered by Primrose Lodge are all inpatient treatment programmes. Our programmes last between one and twelve weeks, with the shortest stay being two weeks during the coronavirus pandemic. However, there is always the option of extending your stay. The following therapies are included in our 12-step programme treatment approach: one-to-one therapy, CBT and group therapy.
The 12-step programme is our overarching recovery approach, offering a holistic and spiritual recovery to transform your life. Other treatment providers offer non-12-step programmes, which usually focus on one specific type of therapy.

Is rehab free?

Most inpatient rehab, including Primrose Lodge, is privately funded. Turning Point is one organisation that offers some free inpatient services. However, most free addiction treatment services provide outpatient treatment. You can complete a self-referral with the NHS to access these, but be mindful that free detox programmes have limited availability.

Free addiction treatment services in Leeds

We understand that not everybody can fund private treatment. That is why free addiction treatment services are so important. We have included some information about a free Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group here. Some private centres also accept private insurance as a form of payment. Be sure to check with your provider if this is covered in your policy.

The downside to free services

Unfortunately, NHS treatment options are mainly outpatient services, meaning that you are only supported during your daily visit to the treatment centre. This can be difficult for those with higher levels of addiction, so it is important to ensure that you consider the level of support you require. Free treatment options are also limited in the therapies provided, with no holistic treatment offerings. This means that only one type of therapy method is usually used.

The benefits of residential rehab in Leeds

  • Your treatment programme is holistic, offering a mixture of therapies.
  • You have immediate access to treatment once you have selected your residential rehab service.
  • You have the ability to connect with peers who are embarking on a similar journey to you.
  • One-to-one therapies are also included for you to learn positive thinking techniques.
  • Family and friends can be included in your treatment plan through family support groups and conjoint meetings.
  • You are free from your usual daily distractions so that you can concentrate on your treatment.
  • You receive round-the-clock support from specially trained professionals.
  • You have access to an aftercare support package upon completion of treatment.

What happens after a rehab programme?

After rehab, we do not expect you to continue your recovery journey alone. At UKAT centres, including Primrose Lodge, we offer lifetime access to our Alumni network and one year’s continued aftercare when you complete your programme.

Aftercare programmes

A life of new-found sobriety can present a mixture of feelings. As well as a well-deserved sense of pride, you may still face some challenging times as your journey continues. Most private centres offer an aftercare package to help you adjust to life after rehab.
Primrose Lodge provides one year’s group therapy as well as helpful information to support you in life outside of the treatment centre.

Support groups

Continued support is key to successful recovery. As well as our aftercare programme, we also advise our Alumni clients to access support groups in their local community, which can be accessed by anyone for free. Some support groups that you may be interested in are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and SMART Recovery.

Long-term recovery from addiction

Completing your treatment programme is extremely commendable, and long-term recovery will get easier over time. However, in your recovery, you may still find something that triggers your past behaviours. In these situations, use your aftercare support from your rehab provider and other groups, and most importantly, remember how far you have come.

Frequently asked questions

Are rehabs open in Leeds during Coronavirus lockdown?
All essential healthcare facilities are open for business during the Coronavirus pandemic, and rehab is included under this classification. There may be some private rehab centres in Leeds that have decided to close, but Primrose Lodge remains open in line with government safety regulations.
How much does an alcohol/drug rehab cost in Leeds?
Private rehab centres can cost between £4000 and £12,000 for a standard 28-day treatment programme. The cost varies between different treatment providers and the length of stay required. Some healthcare insurance policies may include rehab treatment as part of their cover.
How do you sign up to a rehab?
You can make a self-referral by contacting your chosen rehab provider for private addiction treatment. They will discuss your options with you and prepare your stay. To sign up for NHS services, you must be referred by your GP.
How can I pay for a rehab?
You can pay for private rehab yourself, or in some cases, have the cost subsidised by your private healthcare insurance provider. NHS rehab services are free of charge.
What rehab programmes are there?
There are a range of rehab programmes available, with the most popular being the 12-step programme. Some providers offer a mixture of holistic therapies within this, to also include CBT, DBT, yoga and mindfulness.
Can you force someone to go to rehab?
Forcing someone to go to rehab does not work. It must be their choice to attend because they need to be open to change for a successful recovery. However, you can encourage someone to go to rehab through open discussions and interventions.
Can I sign up for rehab for someone else?
The person must sign up for rehab themselves, so you cannot sign up on someone else’s behalf. This is because the person must be open to receiving addiction treatment to ensure that they can engage meaningfully in the support provided.
How long does a rehab process take?
The length of the rehab process depends on the duration of the treatment programme. Treatment programmes can range in duration from 14 days to 3 months, but we recommend a minimum stay of 4 weeks.
What is treated in rehabs?
Rehab can treat the following addictions: alcohol, drug, sex, porn, gambling, internet, and food. Primrose Lodge can also offer treatment for people with an eating disorder, and support people with dual diagnosis and codependency.
Which drug addictions can be treated in rehab?
Rehab can treat any form of drug addiction, whether the addiction is to prescription drugs or illegal drugs. This also includes addiction to alcohol, legal highs and stimulants. Alcohol is a common addiction that we often treat alongside addiction to other substances.
Is rehab confidential?
Yes, receiving addiction treatment in a private rehab facility is strictly confidential. NHS addiction treatment will be recorded on your medical record due to the referral route through your GP. However, your medical records are confidential and cannot be accessed for non-medical purposes.
Can I visit a person who is in rehab?
Visiting has been temporarily placed on hold to ensure client safety in line with government guidance for the Coronavirus pandemic. However, at Primrose Lodge we are in the process of resuming our usual visiting times as quickly as possible. Our usual times that loved ones can visit are on a Sunday every week.
Are there free rehabs in Leeds?
There are some free rehab clinics in Leeds that provide outpatient addiction treatment. However, private inpatient rehab may be more suitable if you would prefer to remove yourself from your lifestyle triggers that can contribute to your addiction.
Can I get rehab funding through the NHS?
There are some occasions where the NHS can fund rehab for you. However, it is a lengthy application process via your GP with few applications approved.
Why is going to a rehab important?
Rehab offers people the chance to eliminate their addiction, as well as learn tools to continue with sobriety at home. Private rehab will also provide you with access to long term aftercare support for a greater change of successful recovery.
Private rehab also offers you a medical detox to ensure that you can abstain from substances safely with full support from professionals.
What is the difference between rehab and detox?
A detox is the process of becoming free of addictive substances through abstinence. Rehab on the other hand, will provide a series of therapies and techniques to help people with problem solving, and changing their lifestyle and attitude towards addictive substances. This will help them avoid relapse in the future.
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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263