Healthy Eating and Nutrition

Eating healthy and regularly is an important part of the healing process when going through an holistic treatment programme. Without healthy eating and nutrition, your body will not be able to repair itself and recover from the damage endured during your spell of substance abuse.

When in our care, you will be provided nutritious and delicious meals that are prepared on site by skilled chefs using only the freshest locally sourced (where possible) ingredients. With our winning combination of great food and proper nutrition, your recovery process won’t just be effective, but also enjoyable.

Healthy Eating

You are what you eat as the old saying goes is never truer than when suffering from addiction. Your lifestyle that involved frequent and heavy consumption of alcohol and/or drugs will have led to significant damage to your body and overall health, your diet no doubt collapsed along the way leading to binge eating all the wrong foods or on the other hand, you may have went through long periods of not eating at all. Now that you are moving into recovery we will cater not just for your physical, mental and emotional needs but your dietary requirements too.

Addiction and other compulsive behaviours almost always lead to nutritional deficiencies. For instance, chronic alcoholics typically reach a point where the only thing they consume is alcohol. By putting you on a healthy diet packed with essential vitamins and other nutrients, and personalising it to suit your needs, we can strengthen your body and mind as well as ensure your long-term wellbeing.

Healthy body + health mind + happy soul = a recovered you!

Private Chef

In our kitchen at Primrose Lodge, we have a talented kitchen who provide tasty and nutritionally enriched meals. Our private chefs can provide you with a variety of options based on your dietary requirements that will satisfy your appetite and have you looking forward to your next meal.

Each serving is designed to be exceptionally healthy and served to your satisfaction. But, we won’t just offer you great meals, we can also teach you the basic principles of good nutrition and how you can make delicious meals of your own once you are out of rehab.

Food Nutrition & Diet

We approach the feeding of our patients in two steps. Firstly, we will provide you short-term, emergency nutrition that focuses on restoring your nutritional balance during the initial stages of your recovery. This will energise you and help your body heal itself.

This will be followed by long-term nutrition that will be applicable after you have left rehab. This involves feeding you well and teaching you to eat well and look after yourself after leaving our care to maintain your overall mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

A typical diet programme provided by us will be packed with protein, fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals in amounts that your body requires.

Through our healthy nutrition and diet, you will gain:

  • Improve positive daily outlook
  • Better long-term health
  • How to make better choices in other areas of life

Sample Timetable

At Primrose Lodge, our meals are created around grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, and animal/plant based proteins for optimal nutrition. Below is a typical example of a daily meal plan.

  • Breakfast: Cereals, Toast, Boiled Eggs, Croissants
  • Lunch: Butternut Squash Soup with Sun blushed Tomato Bloomer
  • Dinner: Thai Green Chicken Curry with Basmati Rice and Naan Bread
  • Snacks: Fruits fruit (all day), biscuits and evening toast

As well as having a varied daily menu, patients can choose from a selection of our snacks and drinks that are available throughout the day and evening. For those with specific dietary needs and requirements, we will make every effort to meet them.

Call us today on 0203 553 9263 for more about how we’ll care for you with quality and tasty dishes.

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Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263