Mindful Fitness Programme

“I absolutely loved the mindful fitness programme at Primrose Lodge. Through it, I have managed to quieten my mind and be present in the moment. For someone who is usually a hundred miles an hour, I have learned to take time out of my day for just me. Mindful fitness has aided my recovery so much and it’s something I have continued to practice since leaving treatment.”

Optimal Care and Devotion

Primrose Lodge offers residents the opportunity to benefit from our Mindful Fitness programme. Mindfulness is a holistic therapy that has been proven to be a very effective treatment for addiction and its common co-occurring illnesses. Its simplicity means that anyone, regardless of age, sex, mental or physical capacity, can learn how to practise it and implement its principles into their daily lives. Mindful fitness assists in the process of repairing cognitive damage, and cultivating a strong and healthy body and mind.

Addiction and co-occurring illnesses condition the sufferer’s mind to think a certain way. With unhelpful and negative thought patterns being the norm, they inevitably become depressed, anxious and hopeless. Removing the alcohol, drugs or compulsive behaviours is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of achieving permanent and fulfilling recovery. The individual must address their thinking if they are to stay sober and clean and change their ways.

Mindful Fitness can be adapted to benefit anyone and is especially beneficial to those that suffer from anxiety, negative thinking, depression, obsessive thinking, addiction and trauma. By combining mindfulness with fitness, this therapy serves a dual purpose. Mindfulness and fitness both aid recovery from addiction and mental health issues. When combined together, they provide powerful therapeutic and physical benefits to the individual.

What Is Mindful Fitness?

Mindful Fitness combines exercise with a form of meditation for increased benefits. Popular examples of Mindful Fitness are Yoga and Tai Chi. Both of these techniques work on the mind whilst improving physical strength, control and flexibility. Mindful Fitness can be worked into other exercises also, such as walking, jogging and swimming. Whilst the individual exercises, the mindfulness assists them in focusing on the sensations they are experiencing in their body in order to bring the mind into the here and now. This distracts the mind from unhelpful thought processes, slows the breathing and relaxes the muscles. The root of illnesses such as addiction, depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress is in the individual’s brain and their thinking. The brain needs to be retrained to think a different way, a way that is beneficial to the individual and improves their quality of life. Those with a busy mind may find it difficult to sit still and meditate; exercising provides a physical and psychological focus. Whilst they are training their mind, they are also strengthening their body and improving overall flexibility and physical strength.

Treating Addiction with Mindful Fitness

When an individual is addicted to a substance or an activity, it becomes the focus of their every waking moment, leaving little room for anything else. Addiction is an illness of obsession; the addict’s day will revolve around planning, plotting, getting and taking alcohol, drugs or engaging in a particular activity. The addicts thought processes compel them to repeat the same behaviours despite ever-worsening consequences to themselves and also to their family and loved ones. Take away the alcohol and drugs and the mind needs to be refocused away from negative and obsessive thinking. Primrose Lodge provides a number of proven treatments that are designed to bring about a shift in the individual’s thinking and subsequent behaviours. Mindful fitness, when practised regularly, positively impacts on the individual as a whole. Exercise releases the body’s feel-good chemicals – endorphins and mindfulness helps to positively train the brain, giving the individual more control over their thinking. Mindfulness provides the individual with relief from internal conflict and pain. Most addicts use alcohol and drugs as a solution to their painful thought processes. Mindful fitness provides a far healthier approach with no negative consequences. In order for a full and lasting recovery to be achieved, the individual will need to work on all parts of self – the mind, the body and the spirit. Focusing the mind and body, positively enriches the individual’s spirit, providing a better quality of life and drastically reducing the risk of relapse.

The Benefits of a Mindful Fitness Programme

Mindful fitness offers many benefits and is considered a very successful holistic treatment for illnesses of the mind and also the body. Here are just some of the proven benefits our patients will gain from practising Mindful Fitness:

  • Increased awareness of thought processes
  • Able to self-calm
  • Able to turn negative thinking into positive thinking
  • Reduction in obsessive thought patterns
  • Increase in productivity
  • Less likely to act on impulsive thoughts
  • Improved concentration and cognitive function
  • Improved sleep pattern
  • Increased self-esteem and self-worth
  • Increased awareness of the body
  • Connection with true authentic self
  • Reduced anxiety and panic
  • Induced feelings of peacefulness and acceptance
  • Reduction in aches and pains
  • Improved coordination and balance
  • Increased strength and flexibility
  • Increase in endorphins and serotonin, resulting in elevated mood
  • Relaxed muscles
  • Better posture
  • Stabilizes breathing and cardiac function
  • Increased lung capacity
  • Improved quality of sleep

Mindful Fitness shifts the individual’s focus from the external material world to the internal spiritual world. In doing this, regardless of external circumstances, the individual is able to find peace within; thus reducing anxieties and fears associated with the material world. It also offers the added benefits of strengthening and toning the body and improving overall physical fitness.

Mindful Fitness does not have to be exertive, it can be practised during low impact activities such as walking, stretching, swimming and yoga. This means that anyone can do it, regardless of age or their physical ability.

Our Mindful Fitness Programme

For more information on Mindful Fitness, please contact us directly and ask to speak to a member of our clinical team, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We positively promote Mindful Fitness for its benefits in treating addiction and mood disorders and have implemented it into our rehabilitation programme so our patients can reap its benefits.

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0203 553 9263