12 Step Therapy: Rehab Treatment

Primrose Lodge wholeheartedly believe in the transformative powers of 12 Step therapy. We combine this powerful treatment methodology with a number of other proven addiction treatment therapies to ensure that each individual receives a very personalised programme, treating the root causes of their addiction. Our qualified counsellors and therapists are proficient in delivering 12 Step; in fact, many of them are testimony to its healing capabilities, having undergone a complete transformation themselves using this process. We are extremely passionate about the treatment that we deliver; this has a positive impact on our patients, providing them with inspiration and hope that they can recover from addiction.

The History of 12 Step

12 Step originally evolved from the principle that only an alcoholic/addict could help another to achieve and maintain sobriety. Two alcoholics who found that by practicing the 12 Step principles they were able to help each other stay sober originally introduced the programme in 1938 in Akron, Ohio. They then carried the message of 12 Step to other alcoholics and the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous was born. Since its implementation, millions of individuals, who would have otherwise died an alcoholic death, have been saved and transformed.

Over the years 12 Step has been adapted to successfully treat a vast number of addictions, including: narcotics, gambling, co-dependency, sex, debt and compulsive spending, love addiction and eating disorders. Proving an effective solution to addiction, the programme is accessible worldwide through a number of 12 Step fellowships. The beauty of 12 Step is that it can be accessed anywhere, no matter what your addiction, there is a solution. Around the clock support is available, via face-to-face meetings and, in recent years, over the Internet and telephone meetings.

We provide our patients with the foundations of 12 Step and an understanding of how it works. On leaving our rehab clinic, they have the opportunity to continue this journey and secure their permanent recovery. By continuing to practise 12 Step, they will meet a whole host of new like-minded recovery friends and continue to grow and change for the better. Primrose Lodge also offer free on-going support and aftercare to all of its patients that complete treatment. This assists in helping you stay focused on the right track.

For more information on our 12 Step programme call us now or talk privately with our addiction experts on LIVE chat!

How 12 Step Works

12 Step works by treating the mind and the spirit of the alcoholic/addict. The process of the steps brings about a change in thinking and perception, to enable the individual to make a full and permanent recovery from addiction. It works on the basic principles of open mindedness, willingness, and honesty; encouraging the individual to work on their defects of character, embrace their assets and help others. Accepting responsibility is a big part in this life saving programme of change. Most addicts blame others for their troubles; this is self-defeating, as they cannot control what others say and do. By accepting responsibility for their own actions and how they react to others, they are able to make huge changes in their thinking and conduct. 12 Step is a spiritual programme of action. Essentially, spirituality comes from within and is centred on the individual’s deepest values and meanings. 12 Step assists the individual in connecting to their true authentic self and inner conscience; encouraging a belief in a power greater than themselves, they find peace within and with the world around them.

Benefits of 12 Step at Primrose Lodge

Our 12 Step therapy offers the following benefits:

  • You will be with like minded individuals on the same journey and be of a support to each other, developing a positive network of recovery friends
  • In addition to undergoing 12 Step, you will also benefit from a full medical detox and additional therapies for a complete rehabilitation experience
  • You will be in the safe hands of our trained and qualified team of staff, including Counsellors, Doctors, Nurses, Psychotherapists and holistic therapists
  • You will undergo your treatment within the safe and healing environment of our clinic, away from outside pressures and temptation.
  • You will learn the foundations along with effective relapse prevention techniques in order to maintain permanent recovery for returning back home
  • You will find a new peace of mind and acceptance, you never thought possible

12 Step is an abstinence-based programme from all mood and mind-altering drugs and destructive behaviours. It complements other proven addiction treatment therapies and is compatible with individual, religious and spiritual beliefs. 12 Step advocates complete anonymity amongst those who practise it. Primrose Lodge offer complete confidentiality to its patients; we understand how important this is when facing the problems of our past.

In addition to offering 12 Step therapy, our team are accomplished in delivering cognitive behavioural therapy, trauma therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy, as well as a host of other proven holistic treatments. By encompassing these powerful treatment methodologies into our rehabilitation programme, each individual benefits from a person centred treatment plan, focused on all aspects of their being.

Primrose Lodge offer a caring and non-judgemental setting; we have a true desire and the required skills to help you get well and recover fully from your addiction.

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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263