Therapeutic Art Therapy

As part of our comprehensive holistic programme, patients will have the opportunity to engage in our art therapy programme. Delivered by a qualified therapist, creative art provides a powerful medium in which the individual can express him or herself unreservedly. We offer art therapy as a non conventional way for our patients to learn how to express and manage their own emotions; it has been proven to be a useful tool in the healing process of those suffering from addiction and mood disorders.

Those that suffer from addiction ,or a mood disorder such as anxiety or depression, often struggle to verbally express how they are feeling. Years of pent up and suppressed emotions can come flooding to the surface once the alcohol, drugs and compulsive behaviours are removed. This can often overwhelm the individual, as they experience intense emotions which they may struggle to identify. Art therapy is a non-threatening creative methodology that allows for freedom of expression through techniques such as drawing, painting, poetry, clay modelling and collage. It can also be very enjoyable and relaxing and offers the patient the following benefits:

  • Provides inspiration and encourages creativity
  • Allows for freedom of expression through a safe and non threatening medium
  • Is relaxing and enjoyable
  • Encourages a healthy way of managing and expressing emotions
  • Assists the individual in identifying and communicating sometimes difficult feelings
  • Can be continued once back home and away from the treatment environment
  • Encourages the individual to open up and talk about what they have created
  • Increases self esteem and provides a sense of achievement

How Art Therapy Works

We use art therapy as one of the many cutting edge therapeutic elements of our rehabilitation programme. Art therapy is useful in providing the individual with a safe and non threatening outlet and way of exploring their inner most thoughts and feelings.

Art therapy provides a useful communication tool for those suffering with psychological issues relating to their addiction. For example, an individual that has suffered abuse or trauma may struggle to verbalise events and how they felt at the time. Creative art provides an alternative means in which they can communicate and heal. With a qualified therapist leading each session, patients receive support and encouragement throughout the process. The sessions allow for expression, reflection and healing as the art created provides a useful platform for further exploration by our therapist.

Art Therapy Techniques

We conduct our art therapy within a group environment. The therapist present will use a number of recognised techniques to encourage the patient to “talk through expression”. This assists both the individual and the therapist to gain insight and meaning into what is going on for him or her inside.

Our art therapist is proficient in delivering the following methods:

Gestalt Method: The therapist works with the patients to help them identify and express their current feelings and experiences. The artwork produced can also be used as an introduction to a deeper conversation. The patient may talk about the artwork they have produced and what it means to them.

Active Imagination Method: Using creativity and art mediums as a starting point, the patient is encouraged to let his or her mind roam freely and spontaneously. This opens the door to further discussion with the therapist.

Third-hand Method: The therapist becomes actively involved in this therapeutic technique to assist the patient in producing a meaningful piece of work. Whilst the patient is still in control of the overall vision, this method is helpful to those that are struggling with a starting point or are unsure of how to express what they are feeling.

Our Art Therapy Programme

Primrose Lodge offer a number of proven addiction and mood disorder therapeutic treatments. Part of our programme is to provide various means by which the patient can explore and relay their feelings in a safe manner. Whatever works best for that individual can then continued to be used on return back home.

We like to keep our programme, fresh, authentic and engaging; this means providing alternative mediums for therapy that can also be enjoyed. If you have any questions relating to our art therapy programme, or any other aspect of our treatment, please call and speak with a member of our team.

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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 9263