Trauma Therapy For Addiction Rehabilitation

For many individuals that suffer from addiction, trauma can be a contributing factor. Whilst this is not the case for all addicts, for those that have suffered trauma, it can be a constant stumbling block to their long-term recovery. Primrose Lodge recognises the need for the issues underlying addiction to be comprehensively treated through appropriate treatment methodologies. We, therefore, provide a treatment programme that is designed to tackle the root causes of each individual’s addiction and this includes treating past trauma.

What Is Trauma?

Trauma is an event that causes the individual to experience intense psychological or physical pain. It is not the actual event that is the problem, but the individual’s response to the event that causes long-term problems.

An individual is more likely to suffer from trauma if:

  • The event was unexpected and they were mentally unprepared for what happened
  • They experienced feelings of being overwhelmed and powerlessness during the event
  • They experienced or witnessed deliberate cruelty
  • The event was perceived as life threatening; or threatened the individual’s body integrity or psychological sanity
  • The event involved violence of a physical or sexual nature
  • The individual experience repeated psychological abuse over a period of time
  • The event or events happened during early developmental years i.e. childhood or teenage years.

Trauma can have a lasting impact on the individual’s quality of life and if not treated correctly and promptly, can result in PTSD, Addiction, Depression and Anxiety.

Causes of Trauma

Those who suffer from trauma often experience a number of psychological and emotional problems as a result. Unresolved trauma can impact on every area of the individual’s life and cause the sufferer to experience symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The individual is very unlikely to make a full and lasting recovery until they have undergone professional treatment for the traumatic experience. Traumatic experiences can include, but are not limited to:

  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Domestic violence
  • Being bullied
  • Bereavement
  • Witnessing or experiencing deliberate cruelty
  • Witnessing combat
  • Living with a mentally ill parent
  • Having a parent in prison
  • Witnessing a fatal accident
  • Experiencing a life-threatening event such as an accident or illness
  • Experiencing abandonment

Pinpointing the cause of trauma is helpful during the treatment process. By successfully treating the trauma, the individual is then free to concentrate on improving other areas of their life that have suffered as a consequence. Psychological trauma can overwhelm a person’s thoughts and emotions and can lead to a change in their cognitive thought process and subsequent behaviours. Those who are suffering from unresolved trauma may suffer from paranoia and have relationship and trust issues; they are prone to isolation and have difficulty in forming healthy and lasting relationships with others. They may feel that the only person they can rely on and trust is themself. This can be very destructive, especially if the individual’s cognitive perception has been altered through the event or events.

Symptoms of Unresolved Trauma

Those that have suffered trauma and have not undergone appropriate treatment are at high risk of developing PTSD. This chronic and debilitating illness can result in a number of highly distressing symptoms. Recognising if you or a loved one are suffering from trauma is the first step in seeking help and in recovery. Symptoms of unresolved trauma or PTSD include, but are not limited to:

  • Nightmares or flashbacks resulting in sweats, shakes and rapid heart beat
  • Avoidance of people, places or situations that act as a reminder of the traumatic event
  • Feelings of guilt, anger and shame
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Panic attacks
  • Hyper vigilance
  • Paranoia and mistrust
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability and aggression
  • Reckless behaviour
  • Self-harming, self-punishment and self-hatred
  • Mood swings
  • Withdrawal from family, friends and loved ones
  • Inability to receive or give love
  • Emotional detachment
  • Self-medication with drugs or alcohol
  • Suicidal ideation

Individuals that have suffered trauma are at high risk of self-medicating their symptoms; this can lead to addiction and a physical and psychological dependence on a substance or activity. The longer the individual goes untreated, the symptoms are likely to worsen and the more difficult it is for them to find recovery and go on to lead a normal life.

Primrose Lodge Trauma Treatment

At Primrose Lodge we take unresolved trauma very seriously; we know the potential consequences of leaving such a condition untreated. We, therefore, deliver a number of treatment methodologies that are proven to be effective in treating unresolved trauma. We treat trauma alongside any other conditions presenting such as addiction, substance abuse problems and co-occurring illnesses.

By offering a person-centred approach in our treatment of each individual patient means that our programme is both comprehensive and very intensive. Our bespoke rehabilitation programmes are designed to meet treatment needs on a physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and social level. Our counsellors and therapists are experienced and qualified in delivering treatments that are helpful to trauma sufferers including:

  • Dialectical behavioural therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Compassion therapy
  • Psychology
  • Individual therapy and group therapy

We also deliver a number of highly effective and healing holistic therapies such as Art, Music and Mindfulness; those provide an alternative to talking therapies; in which the individual can safely explore their emotions with a qualified therapist present.

Addressing trauma can be very upsetting and difficult for the sufferer; we, therefore, offer a very nurturing and compassionate environment to support them during this often-difficult process.

Full recovery from unresolved trauma is entirely possible, as is recovery from any coexisting conditions such as addiction. We have every confidence in our programme and in our staff. Let us help you or your loved one to break free from the past and step into a whole new world of healing and recovery.

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0203 553 9263